
Should I Purchase Or Finance My System?
When purchasing your system outright, you dramatically feel the effects of producing your own power. Fully own your system with a one time payment and never have to worry about paying for power again. What if something breaks? We’ve got your back with industry leading 20+ year warranties and efficiency guarantees.
Don’t feel like paying for your system in full? We get it. Own your system from day one without paying a penny upfront. Finance your system over time with a monthly payment that’s significantly lower than what you spend now on electricity. The best part? ProLux’s financing partners offer plans with clear cut, easy to understand terms that don’t escalate over time like the utility company.
Save money today. Save more tomorrow.
Should I Lease Or Use a Power Purchase Agreement?
Not eligible for federal or state tax incentives or rebates? No problem. ProLux offers leasing options that can lock in lower, predictable monthly payments that pale in comparison to the typical utility bill. Sick of never knowing what your next energy payment will be? Now you do. Get a breakdown of every single payment you’ll make to produce your own power for the life of the term. At the end of your term either renew your lease with a brand new system, have the system removed, or purchase the system at a fair market value. Save money like you mean it – even if government incentives and renewable programs don’t apply to your home.
Pay for what you produce. Host a solar system on your home and pay a fair price for the power it creates. A power purchase agreement is energy security at its finest. While the utility company largely charges you whatever they want, a solar PPA allows you to secure a lower, predictable rate per kilowatt-hour of actual production. You enjoy the benefits of affordable power, your ProLux PPA partner takes care of the rest. With a solar PPA, you’re importing your own electrical provider on your own terms – not whoever happens to own the grid your home is connected to.
* Fully eliminating your electricity bill is not guaranteed and is subject to local utility company policies and rate plans.
* Programs vary by state and may not be available in all markets.
* Maintenance and warranties vary by program and market availability. No specific warranty plan is guaranteed to be offered.
* Lease terms and end of lease options vary by provider and not all options or providers are available in all markets
* No upfront cost only applies to fully qualified customers that are not paying for their systems in full.